Recently I needed to extract some data that was stored as XML in a SQL Server 2012 db; I found the documentation lacking, mainly because you need to know both MS proprietary SQL extensions and XPath, to query the xml. Here's what I figured; it may not be optimal, but it works :) (BTW, I think Server 2008 has the same XML methods, but I only tested with 2012).
The xml type
SQL server supports an XML datatype; we use singlle-quotes to denote its values, but it is not quite a varchar type. Below we define a table Person, with id, name and an XML field called SkillsXML; we insert two rows. The xml looks like <skills> <skill level="High"> SQL</skill> ... </skills>.
Simple queries
With this, we can use the query method of the xml datatype to select only certain nodes; for example, the following query would select only the first skill for each person. Notice we're using an XPath expression for selecting here; simple XPath expressions look like folders; here we're selecting from the root of the document, the skills node, and from there the first skill node (notice XPath starts counting at 1, not 0).
Notice the value returned is of type xml, not a varchar, which is fine to just look at it, but you may want to cast it as a varchar to use it in other places.
Getting the value of an attribute
We can also use the value method, which allows us to get the value of an XML attribute; this method takes 2 arguments, an XPath expression and a string with a SQL datatype; the value of the XPath expression will be cast (or converted) to that type. The following query gets the value of the level attribute of the first skill.
Nodes queries
The most interesting queries use the nodes xml operator; with this, and cross apply (or outer apply) we can get one row per xml element; for example, the following query gets us each person with their skills; since each of our person rows has 2 skills, we will get 4 rows total.
We can make this much nicer by using a WITH expression, selecting both the skill name (which is text inside the
element and its level attribute, and casting each of them as a varchar; the following example selects only those skills with Medium level.
To Do
I will post examples using XML namespaces, and will add links to other references soon.
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